Saturday, November 28

Moving! If anyone is interested, I've now moved on to wordpress. you can find me at

Shopping Lists

I realise that I’m a little lax when it comes to updating my blog. So I’ve decided to simplify the process and put up random funiness that happens when you live somewhere like Bali. Communication issues are foremost. So today I present, what will hopefully be the first of many, a shopping list given to me by my maid/cook. Who, by the way, can neither read nor write so must ask the gardener to write these for her. They get better and better.


Most of it is quite ok in fact. But it took me a while to decipher numbers 7 and 8. Enjoy.

Sunday, April 26

Taking politics seriously

I remember passing a particular candidates poster one day a few months ago and laughingly saying to a friend that it would be so Bali if this mad joker gets in. And guess what? Bali’s “top comedian” has actually secured a seat on Bali Regional Representative's Council (DPD)! I’m not sure if I should laugh or cry, either way it certainly says something bout this island’s inhabitants. Would you vote for this guy?:


I’m definitely digging the bleached mohawk tho.


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Friday, April 24

Bali Hyatt Hypocrisy?

Here’s an email doing the rounds on the Bali grapevine.  It seems the Environmental Affairs department needs clean up their act (sorry, had to). Haven’t attached all the pics from the original email but you get the idea…

Attn Hyatt:
Brigitta Witt
Vice President, Environmental Affairs

Farley Kern
Director of Brand Public Relations

Dear Hyatt Corporate Management,

We are a group of concerned individuals (residents - Indonesian & expat, tourism workers, ngo workers, businesses, tourists, surfers, students and children) that are frustrated with the destruction of Bali's environment and the lack of environmental law enforcement and corporate social responsibility.

We want to inform you that the Hyatt is in gross violation of not just your own Hyatt environmental/sustainability policies and local Indonesian laws, but are also putting the health of your own guests at risk.  Hyatt management has over the years exploited the lack of local environmental law enforcement and knowingly illegally disposed of its wastes and other dangerous residue and subjugated the community to this pollution (photos attached).  This should be of grave concern to the Hyatt since it not only ultimately harms the future prospects of your business but also exposes Hyatt to legal liability and bad press back in the home countries of your concerned guests.   It is unbelievable in this day in age that Hyatt acts in this manner; it is 2009, not 1809!!  Wake up!!

We insist and will continue to insist through letters, emails and other means (iReports, Youtube, travel blogs and website reviews, and journalists) that Hyatt abide by your own internal environmental/sustainability policy as well as local laws.  We hope you take this matter very seriously, as we do.

Respectfully Yours,

Friends of Bali



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Sunday, April 19


High Tea at Fortnum & Masons. Sooo posh and fabulous. A tray of goodies arrive on your table and keeps getting refilled magically each time a plate is finished. 2.5 hours faffing with the girls and you're guaranteed to be bursting with tea, sandwiches, scones and of course cakes!


Oysters at Cafe Nord, copious amounts of tea in a quirky cup to combat the freezing temperatures and one speedy excursion to snap pretty pics. Cut short by the rain but countered nicely by a hot, melty chocolate crepe from the street vendor.

My Amsterdam
Sipping mint tea on the side of a canal. Sun glints off the water. The rumble of a tram going by and "bringgg" of a bicycle riding past. Oh and you cant forget Febo! The wondrous wall food - coin into slot, open little window and hot crocquet in your eager little hands. Yum!

Sunday, March 15

Updates in my head

I think I’m losing it a bit. I now find myself thinking in 140 character status updates. When swimming – “…is feeling much better after a quick 500m dash in the pool.” When having breakfast – “ enjoying a nice bowl of papaya and yoghurt”. When coming home completely smashed after night out in Seminyak – “…New Rule: Mobile fone must be confiscated when alcohol consumption is inevitable.”

A nite out in Ubud


Had a surprisingly decent Friday nite up here in the mountains. Jazz by Joseph Rosenberg and band, cocktails by Siam Sally - newest addition to the ever growing Ubud resto list. Decent thai fare, improving daily. Not such a big fan of free jazz though, find it a bit jarring. But as a friend pointed its nice to have for background as you enjoy good conversation and a healthy cocktail.

Btw - Mission to find Bali’s best lychee martini continues. Hu’u Bar still the best contender.


Friday, March 13

Retail Stalkers


You walk into any shop here and as soon as you’re through the door you feel a little uneasy. There’s something there, a presence…You can feel it hovering and you see flickers of movement in the corner of your eye. It begins to stalk you, slowly shadowing your steps as you peruse the wares. It comes closer, and closer, following your every move until…”Silakannnn!” (go aheaddddd pleaseee!) (which in itself confuses me…Go ahead? really? do I need permission to look? I thought I already was?) and there she is, smiling maniacally, hopeful – the retail stalker aka shop assistant. It’s at this point I, who am completely over this, look at her flatly and politely ask her to stop following me, and that I will let her know if I need her. Usually results in a rather miffed shop girl, stalking off and mumbling to her friends at the back. Doesn’t help when the store is full, and I mean full, of assistants. Check photo above from recent trip to Discovery. Minefield.

Thursday, March 12

Nasi Campur Kedewatan

Met up with a few of my fellow Bali tweetizens recently, and as is apt to happen around me, the conversation quickly turned to food and favourite restos. Not sure what it is, perhaps being part Indo (it’s quite fair to say that a huge number of us have a healthy obsession with food) or whether it was getting close to dinner time, but we spent most of our meeting comparing notes.  And I cannot talk about Ubud food without mentioning my all time, hands down, favourite nasi campur (pronounced nahsi champurrr). Behold, nasi campur Kedewatan:

kedewatan2 I used to dream about this when I was away at boarding school! It’s unexplainable, the crunch of coconut in the lawar (chopped vege fry), the soft chewy sate sticks and mind blowingly spicy sambal. My mouth waters as I type. Any foodie has got to try this one, if you’re ever in my neighbourhood look it up.


Thursday, February 26

Social Networking loon

I’m not sure when my life shrunk to 1280 x 800? Last night I sat there with at least 6 windows open – more if you count the tabs in Chrome – madly typing updates, answering Facebook nudges, Tweeting, blogging and every so often replying an sms without once thinking this was probably not the healthiest way to spend an evening. When did it come to this? I can’t even go 2 hours without checking my tweets. I think I’ve got carpal tunnel in my little finger. Damned laptop.

Wednesday, February 25

Twitter/Twilight mashup

“About three things I was absolutely positive. First, Twitter was a vampire. Second, there was part of it— and I didn’t know how potent that part might be — that thirsted for my updates. And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with it.”

Thanks Stephenie Meyer for the original :)

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Coconuts Man

I woke up this morning to the sound of constant “thud…thud..thud” … curiousity got the better of me so I wandered out of the villa to check out the racket and found this outside my door:


So here’s the thing. Apparently the coconut tree hovering above our swimming pool needs a trim. This is so that no coconutty missiles come flying down while we enjoy a dip in the glorious emerald coolness that is our lap pool. Those things can kill! It was truly entertaining tho to watch this little man scramble around up there - with absoloutely no safety harness – picking at the nuts and hacking away at dead branches. I love Bali.


And so with a very responsible attitude of waste not, want not, I kindly asked my gardener to break open one of the coconuts so that I could reap the benefits of all the racket. Mmm, fresh coconut juice. Num num.


Monday, February 2

Things her boyfriend say

Love random bits you find online. In this fab blog a girl shares the words of wisdom that come out of her boyfriends mouth. For example (boyfriend is referred to as 'e'):

While snuggling:
me: Who loves you?
e: Megatron.

Saturday, January 24

Garage Sale

So, here we are again. Packing, sorting, selling. Why do I do this to myself? If it was an olympic sport, I swear I'd be 3 times world champ by now. Anyway, best not whinge, have a lot to pack and sell off. When did I get so attached to kitchen appliances? Almost had a cry over a spatula this morning. Bah, memories stop plagueing me!

Woke at 5:30am to get this show on the road. Was accosted with a crowd a 6am once I'd opened my garage door. How do they get up so freaking early? Its now 8:12 am and already the interest has fizzled. Should I be excited by my measly $100 taking?

Tuesday, January 6

New Year, New Me?

Well well, Happy 2009 everyone. I cant believe its here, where did last year go? In a blink of an eye I tells ya. Maybe its got to do with moving here and there, or getting older or...But does it seem like the years are going by faster and faster.

On a completely different note, still stuck in Bali. Home has this effect one me, very difficult to leave especially when theres not much to go back to in Oz and the island is so lovely! Spent so much more time exploring the island this time. Its really and truly gorgeous, and I cant wait to see more of it. Im heading out to Padang Bai next week. Blue Lagoon, apparently quite a little gem but another one of those places I'm hesitant to write about in case it gets completely overrun by tourists. Would it be fair to just write, take photos and not divulge the location? Methinks yes...