This is going to be my second attempt at being clever today. I will try, for your benefit, to make a link to a fantastic snap of me and a whale at the Natural History Musem in London.
OMG it worked! But I am proud to say that I managed to break the blog editing tool with my attempt. Yah! There were weird tags all over the place for a while there....
I recently came back from a 3 month stint in europe, doing all the usual dodgy Aussie backpacker thing - hostels, alcohol, life threatening train rides...etc. Had a blast really. Started in London and made my way through to France, Holland (fell in love), Germany (nearly killed on night train), Italy (got addicted to coffee despite never having drunk more than a cup a month previously), Spain (stayed in a cave in Ibiza - yes thats right, a cave) and back to London...And now I'm back in corporate hell and itching to get back to the olde worlde. Stay tuned...
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