Thursday, October 9

The Past

Ahahahaha, I've just read some of my older posts from...wait for it...2003! Yep, thats how lazy I am. I get enthusiastic, fall in love with an idea, am passionate about it...for about 2 secs and then forget all about it. Therefore we have a 5 year gap between posts. Not bad, coulda been worse.

Anyway, what a confused little individual I was way back then. I'm quite sure I wasn't suited to being a PA, all those sleepless nights and following the orders of a psycho producer. Wasn't she a bag of fun. I heard down the grapevine that she eventually had a nervous breakdown, no surprise there. "What the hell is she on about?" I hear you ask. Well that is if anyone is actually reading this. To explain, I was a Production Assistant in Jakarta (my life is random) for about 2 seconds. Unfortunately the Producer whom I was to Assist was Hitler reborn. She frequently had screaming fits on set, followed swiftly by a torrent of tears and accusations. Now I dont know if this modus operandi (check that, getting all fancy with the ol language, not sure if correct use tho) for producers, but it freaked the hell out of me and all the crew. I basically had hardly any sleep for 3 months and suffered post traumatic stress.

Ah, good times.

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