Thursday, February 26

Social Networking loon

I’m not sure when my life shrunk to 1280 x 800? Last night I sat there with at least 6 windows open – more if you count the tabs in Chrome – madly typing updates, answering Facebook nudges, Tweeting, blogging and every so often replying an sms without once thinking this was probably not the healthiest way to spend an evening. When did it come to this? I can’t even go 2 hours without checking my tweets. I think I’ve got carpal tunnel in my little finger. Damned laptop.

Wednesday, February 25

Twitter/Twilight mashup

“About three things I was absolutely positive. First, Twitter was a vampire. Second, there was part of it— and I didn’t know how potent that part might be — that thirsted for my updates. And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with it.”

Thanks Stephenie Meyer for the original :)

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Coconuts Man

I woke up this morning to the sound of constant “thud…thud..thud” … curiousity got the better of me so I wandered out of the villa to check out the racket and found this outside my door:


So here’s the thing. Apparently the coconut tree hovering above our swimming pool needs a trim. This is so that no coconutty missiles come flying down while we enjoy a dip in the glorious emerald coolness that is our lap pool. Those things can kill! It was truly entertaining tho to watch this little man scramble around up there - with absoloutely no safety harness – picking at the nuts and hacking away at dead branches. I love Bali.


And so with a very responsible attitude of waste not, want not, I kindly asked my gardener to break open one of the coconuts so that I could reap the benefits of all the racket. Mmm, fresh coconut juice. Num num.


Monday, February 2

Things her boyfriend say

Love random bits you find online. In this fab blog a girl shares the words of wisdom that come out of her boyfriends mouth. For example (boyfriend is referred to as 'e'):

While snuggling:
me: Who loves you?
e: Megatron.