Wednesday, February 25

Coconuts Man

I woke up this morning to the sound of constant “thud…thud..thud” … curiousity got the better of me so I wandered out of the villa to check out the racket and found this outside my door:


So here’s the thing. Apparently the coconut tree hovering above our swimming pool needs a trim. This is so that no coconutty missiles come flying down while we enjoy a dip in the glorious emerald coolness that is our lap pool. Those things can kill! It was truly entertaining tho to watch this little man scramble around up there - with absoloutely no safety harness – picking at the nuts and hacking away at dead branches. I love Bali.


And so with a very responsible attitude of waste not, want not, I kindly asked my gardener to break open one of the coconuts so that I could reap the benefits of all the racket. Mmm, fresh coconut juice. Num num.


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