Thursday, October 9


On my way home from a lovely little walk in BTown I overheard a guy on his phone mentioning that he didnt like the Lord of the Rings Books! And whats more, he preferred the movies! argh aghh, Blasphemy! take thy filthy words back! I listened on stealthily as he offered his friend the books, because he wouldn't be reading them ever again. Oh, be still my pissed off heart! As he walked on ahead, I continued home silently fuming at the uneducated knave. The phone conversation bounced around in my head the whole way back to the apartment, I just couldn't comprehend how anyone would not love the books and prefer the hollywood (granted very nicely done) versions to the classic wordsmithing of..blah blah blah. I hoped I didnt look like a nut frowning to myself and uttering the ocassional expletive. I shuffled along in this introspective state and before I knew it was at my apartment. I turned the corner and...the phone guy was there opening his front door. Next to mine. He's my neighbour... Ahem!

Phone guy: "Hey, I didn't recognise you"
Big smile.
Me: "Yeah, me too!"
Plasters the biggest possible smile on face.
Phone guy: "How you guys doing? Hows your brazilian guy doing?"
Can his grin get any bigger?
Me: "Um, good. Yeah he works a lot"
Ever the brilliant conversationilist. I finally get the key in the door.
Me: "Okay, have a nice night!"
Retreat into home, strangely guilty.

Feel a bit sheepish now, but still... really!... Prefers the Movies!!..(*continues to mutter quietly to self like an old war nana*)

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